Sunday, May 31, 2009


As you may know, Becky and I write another blog, Active Voice, where we review kids'/YA sci-fi/fantasy books. This coming weekend is the Fourth Annual 48 Hour Book Challenge, in which bloggers read – and blog about – as many YA books as possible within a 48-hour period. For charity! Since we Active Voicers are strongly in favor of reading as much as possible and then yammering about it, and actually benefiting the world for once by doing so, we have decided to participate.

What does that mean? Basically, from Friday through Sunday we’ll be reading all the YA we can get our hands on, sci-fi/fantasy or otherwise, and liveblogging about it at AV.

Where does the charity angle come in? Well, if you so choose, you can sponsor one or both of us for a certain amount per books read. Comment on this post telling us whether you’d like to sponsor Jess, Becky, or the entire Active Voice team, and how much you’d like to sponsor per book. At the end of the weekend, we’ll multiply the amount you offered by books read by whoever you chose to sponsor, and you’ll send us that amount. So if you decide to, say, sponsor Becky for $1 per book and she reads 15 books, you’ll send us $15 through PayPal. (Contact details for that will come in a later post.)

We in turn will send all donations to Room to Read, a very excellent non-profit organization that operates in rural communities in Asia and Africa, building schools and libraries, publishing local language literature, and providing scholarships for girls’ education. These are all things that the Active Voice team feels pretty seriously down with!

We’ll be posting more in this coming week with lists of books we plan to tackle over the weekend. Please feel free to recommend anything you think we should read and haven’t seen reviewed here. We can’t promise that we’ll be able to find/buy/read it, but we’ll do our best!

Spread the word! And if you have any questions, or are participating in the 48 Hour Book Challenge yourself, let us know!

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